Take Time . . .
There are many articles written on time management and how to achieve goals, but how do you tell people to manage their time if they do not have time left to manage.
Journey of discovery
Many of you will wonder what this newsletter has to do with organising but I had to share my experience with you? For me the words of Lao-Tzu: “Manifest plainness, Embrace simplicity, Reduce selfishness, Have few desires.” say it all!
Inspired by nature
Are you so busy that you forget to take note of the things that are happening around you?Have you noticed the beautiful spring bulbs going into bloom?
Follow the example of a butterfly
Follow the example of a butterfly to help you change your space.
A butterfly goes through different stages of metamorphosis to become what it is destined to be. It changes its character and form to create new life.Do you know what is in your medicine chest?
Some headache tablets, a first aid kit, a plaster or two, tubes of ointments, some leftovers from previous illness or could you help out anybody, with any kind of illness at any time?
Contract lost on the desk!
Feeling anxious and overwhelmed with the thought of going to work? Confronting stacks of papers that have taken over your desk and every stashable area in your office?
Chaos in your living room
The doorbell rings … it looks as though a bomb has hit the area - everything from the popcorn bowl now filled with ants, the throw on the floor, dirty dishes, cushions everywhere except where they belong, newspapers, magazines, toys, art work and pencil crayons are littering the once neat and peaceful living area. Has any one seen the keys?
Caring for your clothes
With the seasons changing most of us have been out shopping for new clothes and our summer clothing has been neatly packed away to free up space in our cupboards. I hope that you remembered the principle of, one in one out, and have put a smile on a person less privileged than you, with a new outfit for the winter or next summer.
Capture your Memorable Moments
It is that time of the year again where we celebrate special moments that we love capturing. Everytime I look at a photo I relive the moment it was taken. Often I delete more images than I keep due to imperfection and lose a precious moment! Wouldn’t it be easier to have the perfect shot instead of sitting for hours on Photoshop trying to fix up an image.