Moving House
“Your home should give you pleasure and not serve as a niggling reminder of a chore undone.”
Terence Conran
Memories of Spring cleaning
When the weather starts warming up and the crisp mornings carry the smell of the coming spring something intrinsic tells me that it is time to clean-up and renew my home. I realise that it is the way that I have grown up and valuable lessons learnt at home.
Memories in a Photo Pile?
“Just a minute I will quickly show you that picture of us in Paris!” Are you able to put your hands on that specific photo when you want it, or are you one of those that will sort them when you have more time, or do you put it off because you cannot find the scrap booking paper or embellishments you are looking for?
Maximise Productivity, Minimise Interruptions
We are in the second month of home renovations and realise now more than ever how awful constant interruptions are!
Make your resolutions work this year!
Don’t let your good intentions drift away as the days go by -Find ways to turn your hopes and dreams into reality!
Make the most of your holiday @ home
A vacation is like love - anticipated with pleasure, experienced with discomfort, and remembered with nostalgia. ~ Author Unknown
Make space for the new
Get into the spirit of christmas. Edit what you have, keep only what you love, use and need and give the rest to those less fortunate.
Letting go of Books
Is your living room filled with bookcases buckling under the weight of books that you no longer need, want or never will have the inclination to read or refer to? Perhaps it is time to go through your collection and decide to follow the wise words ofJudah Ibn Tibbon:
Revitalise your Garden
Does the rain get your fingers itching to make changes to your garden?
Or does the thought of all the work involved make you feel totally overwhelmed?