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About Us

Cloud 9 organised was launched in 2005

Heidi Meyer

Heidi Meyer, founder of Cloud 9 organised and is a professional organiser. Her mission is to ensure that home and work environments are calm, harmonious and aesthetically pleasing. Heidi knows from her experience in organising the physical environment that her clients also benefit emotionally.

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Heidi Meyer

Heidi Meyer, founder of Cloud 9 organised and is a professional organiser. Her mission is to ensure that home and work environments are calm, harmonious and aesthetically pleasing. Heidi knows from her experience in organising the physical environment that her clients also benefit emotionally.

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Heidi inspires people to get motivated to improve their lives, the focus being on reducing stress, creating more time, and saving money. Heidi concentrates on empowering YOU to take charge of your life and to take action to change.
Decluttered Kitchen


Cloud 9 organised charges an hourly rate for services and travel charges apply.