Enjoy your holiday
Why is it that you come back from holiday feeling you haven’t had one? Constantly running around picking up after everyone else, trying to get things done that you normally don’t get time to and actually feeling more stressed out than when you go to work on a daily basis?
Essential Travel Kit
Do you waste time scurrying around in search of items that have to be in your travel kit and then forget essentials while packing? Whether it is a long distance trip or going away for the weekend, you will always take similar items. I love simplifying things. Everything should be easy
Organise your car for a holiday trip
Your vacation is booked and you are ready to hit the road, or are you? Why is it that when you stop for some refreshment, you find happy relaxed families full of energy and others where you can sense the tension a mile off? I believe that it all boils
Organise your Self-catering Get-away
I love holidays in nature either in the bush or at the seaside. I’m not really a person who likes camping as I love my modern amenities, but self catering is something I do consider as most of the South African destinations are more expensive than going on a trip
Armed robbery at home
It is a situation, as is hijacking, which we hear about often, dread that it might happen to us, but put it out of our mind, in this violent society of ours in South Africa. After having experienced it I would like to share the following with each and everyone
Travel light!
How often have you packed for a vacation only to find that you have taken far too much clothing and came back with wrinkled clothes that you never even wore? Consider what you take carefully and pack items that you will need, and if you should forget one, will be an inconvenience.
Should I get a self-storage unit?
This is a question that I’m often faced with, especially when there is no space left in the double garage, cluttered with stuff, “I might still need, could perhaps use again or just don’t know what to do with it.”
Order in your Garden Shed
The garden shed is often a forgotten space. Tidying it up, will make the most of the storage space and make your gardening much more fun. It should be a practical and functional space.
Make the most of your holiday @ home
A vacation is like love - anticipated with pleasure, experienced with discomfort, and remembered with nostalgia. ~ Author Unknown