I would love to, but don’t have the time to …
Is this a phrase that you use very often? Well, then it is time that you make time for the things that you love to do! Remember you are in control of your time and how you spend it.
Running out of Time?
Believing in the quote,”The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.” by Michael Althsuler, makes it so much easier to cope with time issues. It puts you in control, as only you can decide what to do with your time and how to use it.
Get there on time!
You surface slowly hearing the birds in the trees. Your alarm already plays your favourite music. The aroma of coffee wafting into the bathroom, whilst soaking away the last remains of sleepiness.
If I only had time….
I wondered if you ever wish that you would have more time? Can you confidently decide on what needs to be done first or don’t you know where to start? Do you complete one task at a time or in a panicky state, do a little bit of everything, finishing
Develop a routine to simplify your life
A saying that comes to mind is: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"?
(There’s a controversy about who came up with it, was it Harvey Mackay, Benjamin Franklin or Einstein?)What can you do in a minute or two?
I do not want to burst your bubble but I’m no miracle worker that has suddenly discovered how to do big projects in a short time. Most of us haven’t got spare time, or do you have unscheduled time that is wasted?
Maximise Productivity, Minimise Interruptions
We are in the second month of home renovations and realise now more than ever how awful constant interruptions are!
Take Time . . .
There are many articles written on time management and how to achieve goals, but how do you tell people to manage their time if they do not have time left to manage.