Should I get a self-storage unit?
This is a question that I’m often faced with, especially when there is no space left in the double garage, cluttered with stuff, “I might still need, could perhaps use again or just don’t know what to do with it.”
A Fabulous Renovation
Sometimes it‘s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. – Kerri Russell
We were warned that renovating is the biggest test on a marriage and one of the most stressful things you can do in life – I beg to differ. It has been one of the most rewarding things we ever did, we dreamt, talked, planned and compromised all the way to changing our home from drab to fab!
Reflection on Change
As we start the new year, I believe you are also looking back at what you have achieved during the past year and what you did not. Thinking about the things you wish you could have changed but haven’t had the time or inclination to do so.
Reduce your Carbon Footprint
Every time I see litter or people harming their environment and the creatures in it, I recall the words of Chief Seattle, 1854.
Plan for a peaceful Holiday Season (Part 2)
“There are still loads of things to do, but too little time!” Take babysteps, prioritise and get the family involved.
Plan a peaceful Holiday Season (Part 1)
“Are you overwhelmed with the thought of the coming holiday season and all the preparations involved?”
I’m a perfectionist …
The house is a mess, work isn’t done on time, she doesn’t know how to prioritise and in the end nothing gets done.
Plan the Perfect Dinner Party
Day-to-day worries fade away, engaging conversation, one story leading to another, fits of laughter with tears streaming down the faces…
No room in the cupboard?
Is your cupboard stuffed with outdated clothing, and clothes you hope will fit again? Are shoes stacked in heaps and papers starting to invade your clothing space? Not able to find what you want when you desperately need it?
Order in your Garden Shed
The garden shed is often a forgotten space. Tidying it up, will make the most of the storage space and make your gardening much more fun. It should be a practical and functional space.