How to Honour your Memories?
We all have memorabilia of one kind or another that we treasure, whether it is an old pocket watch grandma’s glasses or shells from a wonderful holiday. These transport us back in time and make us happy, but sadly these normally end up hidden away in a closet somewhere because
Organise your Gift Wrap Supplies
I grew up in a time where Christmas paper was re-used. After the gifts had been unwrapped the tape was carefully removed and the pieces that were still usable were lovingly folded and stored in a box. Before re-use it w as carefully ironed out.
Organising Jewellery
I love jewellery and I’m sure most of you do, but what use is the jewellery stashed away in boxes in different hiding places where you can’t even keep track of it, let alone go on an Easter hunt every time you want to wear a specific piece?
Armed robbery at home
It is a situation, as is hijacking, which we hear about often, dread that it might happen to us, but put it out of our mind, in this violent society of ours in South Africa. After having experienced it I would like to share the following with each and everyone
Make the most of your holiday @ home
A vacation is like love - anticipated with pleasure, experienced with discomfort, and remembered with nostalgia. ~ Author Unknown