I grew up in a time where Christmas paper was re-used. After the gifts had been unwrapped the tape was carefully removed and the pieces that were still usable were lovingly folded and stored in a box. Before re-use it w as carefully ironed out.
I believe this is where my fetish for beautiful crisp paper and the meticulous storage of my gift supplies stems from. I love wrapping gifts in crisp paper with nice trimmings and handmade tags or cards. At the same time I also love receiving a gift that is wrapped with love.
Can you find your gift wrap supplies or are they all over? Having to rummage through multiple spaces to find what you need and when you do, is it squashed, wrinkled and just plain horrible? Is it occupying otherwise essential space in cupboards?
Simplify the gift wrapping process and have only what you love and would want to use.
Have everything you need in one spot, close to a surface where you pack the gifts
- Scissors – sharp paper cutters
- Sticky Tape or double-sided tape for neat edges
- Bubble wrap – to protect fragile items
- Tissue Paper – for a luxurious look in a gift bag
- Wrapping Paper – whichever you love
- Gift and Bottle Bags Ribbons and bows – to finish off the gift
- Cards and tags – Attach then securely either with string or double sided tape
- Pens, glue, craft supplies – to write your note or to make your own specialised card or tag.
Establish what you have
Sort your supplies according to your needs before going out to purchase more. Recycle the paper that is wrinkled, torn or squashed and purge the rest.
Save when you buy
Estimate how much wrap you will need for each gift and what ribbon and tags or cards you will use and purchase only what you need.
Store your supplies neatly
Easy access to your supplies is essential to save time. You can then find anything for quickly wrapping that last minute gift without leaving your home in a paper and ribbon tizz. Find an option that will work for you. Here are some ideas that will simplify your life.
Use the Long Boot box with Drawer organisers or Jock and Sock organisers as dividers. thecontainerstore.com
My gift wrap is stored in a Custom-built-in-drawer next to my computer and work table. I store the gift bags in a large bag. Directly in the front the recycling bag. >
Ribbon organiser
Make your own. Choose a sturdy box. Use Grommets and a dowel. Ribbon-organizer
Optimise your space by placing hooks in the top of yourcupboard.Tie wire across to store your gift wrap. apartmenttherapy.com
< Hang the Gift wrap organiser in your cupboard and have space for all your supplies. Organised living.co.za
Create your own Gift wrap organiser behind a door using an Elfa over the door system.
Be Green at heart – Re-purpose, Re-use, Renew, Recycle
- Ribbons – I love ribbons and if stored properly they can be reused. I store mine in a large flat box with dividers that I can see at a glance what I want to use. Satin ribbons are washed and ironed before they get stored
- Gift wrap can be recycled.
- Tissue paper I re-use to pack fragile items or wrap my fragile Christmas ornaments in them for storage.
- Gift bags I re-use if they are still in good condition.
- Boxes – can be re-used for storage of your Christmas ornaments or even for gifts.
- Beautiful cards and tags can be re-purposed or given to retirement homes or hospice to renew.
If your gift wrapping supplies are well organised you will love wrapping your gifts and will know what you need to stock up on before the festive season or special occasion.
Bring smiles to your loved ones with beautifully wrapped gifts and feel good about your accomplishment of having organised another space in your home.
For more ideas visit:
http://www.creaturecomfortsblog.com/diy-gifts-packaging/ or
Find free printable tags at http://www.creaturecomfortsblog.com/printables-freebies/
Heidi Meyer
Professional Organiser
Copyright©Cloud9organised 2012