Organising Toys
"Why doesn’t my playroom work?" This is a question that I get asked often. It can work and you can stay on top of the toy chaos, if you figure out what works for everyone involved.
Being organised!
Being “organised” is currently the hip word. If you are organised you can overcome almost anything that life throws your way. It is a mindful act in everything that you plan and do.
Go Paperless – Reduce your Carbon Footprint!
Feeling buried under paper piles, constantly having to hunt for documents at the end of the tax year? After assisting many clients sorting and purging through piles of paper, I decided that now is the time to look at what we can do to go paperless.
Your Dream Garage in 6 Easy Steps
Do you want space in your garage and actually know what is in it? A pity to think, that this large area of anything between 18 m 2 or 36 m 2 is actually a wasted space unless you start treating it with respect and turn it into a space that works
The Myth about Organising without Decluttering debunked
You spend hours organising the toys, placing them in newly bought bins that are bound to keep things in their places but within a couple of days your hard work unravels into the chaos it was before. Papers keep piling up and clothes end up where they don’t belong.
Help! I have too much stuff!
My enquiries often start off with these or similar words, in my mind’s eye I see toys; Lego, Barbie, soft toys, cars, dolls, puzzles and games marching to the lead of trumpet and drum from all corners of the house.
Tips to make your move easier
Today I want to share how I orchestrated my packing for the move. I used orchestrated intentionally for you to ponder
Declutter your mind
The tendency to live a simpler life with less clutter is taking hold. We declutter our physical spaces with vengeance, but seem to forget that our mental clutter is just as harmful as physical or emotional clutter. When we look at our physical space it is important to zone all
Enjoy your holiday
Why is it that you come back from holiday feeling you haven’t had one? Constantly running around picking up after everyone else, trying to get things done that you normally don’t get time to and actually feeling more stressed out than when you go to work on a daily basis?
Deal with your unfinished projects
Unfinished projects do not just take up a lot of physical space contributing to clutter, but also sit in the back of your mind, causing mental clutter and frustration. There is more to it, you feel guilty about the time and money you’ve spent and are disappointed in yourself for