Is your countertop cluttered with bottles of all shapes and sizes? Covered with residue of hair, skin particles and dust?
Change your bathroom into a peaceful retreat for restful relaxation and tranquillity.
The bathroom is the space where you care for yourself, where you look in the mirror and say: “Wow, I look great!” It should not be a home to mould, half used samples, shampoos, conditioners, perfumes, skincare products, lotions, potions, outdated unwanted lipsticks and threadbare towels and face cloths. Concentrate on the here and now, be ruthless and get rid of what you don’t use at the moment. Give a donation to others who can use the products. Think of all the homeless shelters, surely these unwanted items will be well received by someone who would love to feel a little pampered!
- Air the bathroom / install an extractor fan
- Clear the countertop of any item you don’t need. Get rid of old magazines and junk mail
- Clean the mirror, countertop surface and basin.
- Be mindful of what your keep. Sort and purge the items. Store like items together, skin care products, cosmetics, nail care, hair care, towels, toilet paper.
- Keep the items for daily use within easy reach in the areas you will be using them. Have your storage elsewhere.
- Resist storing toiletries on the window sills it looks untidy, rather keep cosmetics and skin care products in closed drawers underneath the basin. Use cutlery trays and small baskets to keep cosmetics and toiletries in order.
- Use glass containers or baskets to house loose items like cosmetics and cotton balls
- Towel warming rails help keep towels dry, keep towels within easy reach of basin, bath or shower.
- Sort and purge medication. Take outdated medication to your pharmacist for safe disposal.
- Keep the first aid kit out of reach of children easily accessible from any area of the house in the case of an emergency.
- Wall mounted fittings like toothbrush holders and soap dishes keep the basin clutter free. Ensure that these are cleaned weekly from all residues.
- Fit showers with racks for soaps, sponges & shampoos
- Make it easy to put used clothing into laundry baskets
- Roll or fold towels to display when not in use or store in baskets underneath basin
- Fit the inside of a bathroom cabinet door with a wire spice rack to allow for more storage space.
- Small laundry baskets provide a quick and easy stash for bath time toys or hang them in a net on a suction cup holder.
- Use specially designed bathroom paints which prevent mould growth
Make life easier for yourself, train your family well!
- Wipe out basins after use.
- Give the bath a clean as you step out of it.
- Spray shower doors with cleaning spray after each use.
- Replace toothpaste cap after use.
- Clean the toilet with a brush if necessary.
Enjoy your clean, uncluttered sanctuary. Pamper yourself with a long, hot bath with essential oils to smooth all the stress away! Feel the difference within and around you.
Heidi Meyer
Professional Organiser
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