Sort holiday decorations
As you open your decorations storage box, your energy saps away in seconds: “What was I thinking last year when putting away these decorations?” Must have been,” I’m so over this! I’ll just put it in here for now and sort it next year!” and stuff just got tossed into
Organise your home office
Being an entrepreneur, working from home has its advantages and disadvantages. To be professional, you should have a space to work from, where you have to go to work to and keep office hours. This gives you purpose and a goal every day. It determines boundaries for anyone that is still at home.
How to Honour your Memories?
We all have memorabilia of one kind or another that we treasure, whether it is an old pocket watch grandma’s glasses or shells from a wonderful holiday. These transport us back in time and make us happy, but sadly these normally end up hidden away in a closet somewhere because
What to do with till slips?
At this time of the year some of us have sleepless nights, because we never paid attention to papers that come into our lives.Does your purse look like a recycling bag with slips stuffed into it for the past couple of months, because you just don’t know what to do
Donating your excess possessions
Assisting at a charity, sorting through a huge amount of donations, I realised once again that: “One man's trash is another man's treasure “(anonymous), but certainly one needs to define trash in this instance.
Running out of Time?
Believing in the quote,”The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.” by Michael Althsuler, makes it so much easier to cope with time issues. It puts you in control, as only you can decide what to do with your time and how to use it.